Editorial: Chelsea Wong

Matthew Kangas, Visual Art Source, March 15, 2019

Regional art is constantly under redefinition, as Chelsea Ryoko Wong’s current exhibit affirms. Her mixed-media paintings tackle the street life of neighborhoods in San Francisco. As a result, Seattleites and others get a window into the marvelous multi-cultural panorama of that city’s ethnic, sexual and gender diversity. Working in a simplified, illustrational style similar to The New Yorker’s Maira Kalman, Wong’s tightly focused subject matter is brightly colored, crowded with the people of urban venues: senior centers, yoga classes, ballet classes, demonstrations and parties. Akin to Jacob Lawrence in Harlem or Ben Shahn in New Jersey, Wong sees a population of idealized cooperation and feel-good vibes without recourse to unpleasant realities that lurk elsewhere in San Francisco’s complicated, frustrating mix. In “Rock and Roll, Jaguar Sedan” every imaginable gay male stereotype is represented, from butch to femme to transgender men/women. Wearing skirts or work shirts, shorts or jeans, the boys are linked in shared enthusiasms and love for one another.